Monday, May 28, 2007

SafetyEYE - The worlds first safe 3D camera system

Pilz has announced SafetyEYE - the worlds first safe camera system. You can read about it at the Pilz SafetyEYE web site.

This entry in the unofficial Mercedes-Benz, discusses the system further, which was developed by Pilz, in cooperation with DaimlerCrysler.

I've been lucky enough to see the demo of the SafetyEYE running, and it's amazing what it can do.
A camera, with three sensors is placed above an area that requires monitoring. Using a configuration tool, that connects to the controller over Ethernet, the user can take a snapshot of the scene and create detection zones around areas that the user shouldn't go.
When someone (or something) walks into this area, the output device reacts, and depending on what you've programmed, the system will slow/shut down.

The configuration tool looks really nice, with 2D and 3D views of the detection zones created.

The SafetyEYE won the Automation Award 2006 at the SPS/IPC/Drives fair.

We're likely to hear a lot more about this product over the next few months, as it approaches the official release.

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